Howdy guys? How was your weekend? I do hope it was better
than mine since my car broke off last Saturday when I was just roaming around
with it. I have to take it to my friend who knows something about cars and he
mentioned that I have a problem with my EGR valve. As always, I was clueless
what that part is for and that is why I am posting this to inform people out
there so you won’t look stupid as I was when I learned what it does for a car,
no pun intended.
EGR Valve stands for Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve. This
certain part assists one vehicle to proficiently and completely burn fuel by recirculation
of a portion of the exhaust and operating it through the combustion process
again. Now the outcome would be is that in a cooler, more absolute burn of the
fuel which minimizes your car’s harmful emissions by eliminating the formation
of dangerous gases. Bottom line is that the EGR valve is vital to your car’s emission
control; you don’t want that to go bad. Well I do hope you guys learned
something today. And for me, I guess I need to learn a lot more about cars so
that I can somehow fix my own car just in case I encounter such problems again.